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发布时间:2024-01-10 作者:yirui 点击:548

A revolt by enslaved people put the Louisiana Purchase in motion.


France formally acquired the colony of Saint Domingue (in modern-day Haiti) from Spain in 1697. For a century, it served as a major source of stable revenue for France. It grew and exported two-thirds of the country’s domestic product, including coffee, sugar, cotton, and indigo, produced by enslaved laborers on large plantations.



The high demand for products, and the inhumane conditions of the industries, fomented revolts by the enslaved workers and by free Black residents inspired by the ideals of liberté, egalité and fraternité then taking over France. When Napoleon sent French soldiers to quell the movements in the 1790s, the revolutionaries stood their ground, while yellow fever and malaria wiped out the troops. Those who survived returned home along with France’s hopes in the Caribbean, both defeated.



Thomas Jefferson wanted to prevent France and Britain from squeezing the U.S.


France needed another lucrative funding source for Napoleon’s ambitions. The emperor turned his attention to selling the Louisiana Territory—an enormous chunk of North America, the western watershed of the Mississippi River, that Spain had relinquished to France in 1800 in the secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso. Napoleon didn’t have the military power to patrol this vast territory, and once France lost its Caribbean colonies, the North American land became a boondoggle.

为了满足拿破仑的雄心壮志,法国需要其他有利可图的资金来源。这位皇帝开始把注意力放在出售路易斯安领地那上。路易斯安领地占据了北美洲的大部分地区以及以密西西比河作为分水岭的以西地区。1800年,西班牙在一项秘密的《第三次圣伊德方索条约(Third Treaty of San Ildefonso)》中,将路易斯安那领地割让给了法国。拿破仑没有足够的军事实力来将管辖这片巨大的领地。而一旦法国失去了加勒比地区的殖民地,这块位于北美洲的土地也就失去了价值。




President Thomas Jefferson, after becoming aware of the Third Treaty of Ildefonso in 1802, immediately wanted to avoid a situation in which the U.S. got squeezed between its enemies: British Canada to the north, French Louisiana to the west, and Spanish Florida to the south.


At first, Jefferson offered to buy New Orleans.


Before Spain had transferred the Louisiana Territory to France, it had signed a treaty with the U.S. giving merchants and farmers permission to send their goods down the Mississippi River and store them in New Orleans without paying extra taxes. After France took over Louisiana, it revoked these rights, infuriating American business owners.


Jefferson feared Napoleon’s plans for New Orleans and worried the U.S. would need British assistance to survive if Napoleon maintained control of the important port city. “The day that France takes possession of New Orleans … we must marry ourselves to the British fleet and nation,” Jefferson wrote to Robert Livingston, the U.S. minister to France.

杰斐逊担心拿破仑的新奥尔良计划并担心如果拿破仑继续控制着这座重要的港口城市,美国可能需要英国的帮助才能存活下去。“法国接管新奥尔良后……我们就必须委身于英国和英国的舰队了,”杰斐逊在给美国驻法国公使罗伯特-利文斯顿(Robert Livingston)的信中写道。

Rather than go to war over the broken Mississippi River treaty, Jefferson told Livingston and former Minister to France James Monroe to negotiate with Napoleon to purchase New Orleans and West Florida. Napoleon, however, had by then decided to sell all of Louisiana to the U.S. to raise funds for his impending war with Britain.


The United States had to borrow money to complete the Louisiana Purchase.


Unfortunately, the United States didn’t have Napoleon’s final asking price: 60 million francs, or $15 million at the time (which included the forgiveness of France’s $3.75 million debt). The U.S. nation also had a debt of over $7 million. The House of Representatives passed bills allowing the U.S. to borrow money to complete the transaction with funds from British and Dutch banks; the terms of the agreements stipulated that the U.S. had 15 years to repay the loan.


The Louisiana Purchase was one of the biggest land bargains in American history.


When both countries signed the Louisiana Purchase treaty on May 2, 1803 (backdated to April 30), the boundaries of the Louisiana Territory were unclear.


The actual geographic limits weren’t agreed upon until almost 20 years later, when the Convention of 1818 and the Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819 established the boundaries. According to A Wilderness So Immense: The Louisiana Purchase and the Destiny of America by John Kukla, the territory spanned the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains and from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. It encompassed 13 present-day states: “Arkansas, Colorado east of the Rocky Mountains, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota west of the Mississippi River, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wyoming.”

实际的地理分界线直到20年后才通过《1818 年公约》和《1819 年亚当斯-奥尼斯条约》达成一致。根据《如此广袤的旷野:路易斯安那购地和美国的命运》一书(作者约翰库克拉),这片区域越过密西西比河一直到落基山脉,从北面的加拿大一直到墨西哥湾。它囊括了现在的13个州:“阿肯色州、落基山脉以东的科罗拉多州、爱荷华州、堪萨斯州、路易斯安那州、密西西比河西面的明尼苏达州、密苏里州、蒙大拿州、内布拉斯加州、北达科他州、俄克拉荷马州、南达科他州以及怀俄明州。”

It added 828,000 square miles (around 375 million acres) to the United States, doubling its size, at a cost of about four cents per acre.


Jefferson had secretly asked Congress for funds to investigate the Louisiana Territory—before the actual purchase.


On January 18, 1803, Jefferson sent a confidential letter to Congress requesting $2500 to fund an exploration of Louisiana. He realized that westward migration of American settlers would bring them into contact with Indigenous peoples, and he sought to encourage the Native peoples to adopt Western modes of trade and agriculture. Along with those goals, Jefferson wanted to know if there was a navigable water route to the Pacific Ocean—a Northwest Passage—to increase the nation’s trade with Asia.


As an avid naturalist, Jefferson also wanted a complete survey of the plants, animals, points of latitude and longitude, soil, and other characteristics of the territory.


