• Daisy.xu@easytranslation.com.cn
  • Daisy
  • 021-5844-6796
  • 3-tier Proofreading and Editing Mechanism
  • Lisa QA Mechanism
  • EASY QA Mechanism
  • Project Management Mechanism
  • Translation Memory
  • Tips 4 clients for high-quality translation
  • Free trial translation
    Translation Memory
    A translation memory is a linguistic database that continually captures your translations as you work for future use.
    All previous translations are accumulated within the translation memory (in source and target language pairs called translation units) and reused so that you never have to translate the same sentence twice. The more you build up your translation memory, the faster you can translate subsequent translations, enabling you to deliver translation faster and with more cost-savings. Translation Memory is a tool that increases efficiency by allowing the reuse of previously translated phrases and terms. Translation memory is a technology that enables Easy Translation to store translated phrases and sentences in a special database for translators to reuse in a new translation.                            
    Translation memories can speed up the translation process, dramatically improving both quality and efficiency. All of your previous translations can be stored for future re-use so that the same sentence never needs to be translated twice. Furthermore, the acceleration of project completion will mean that the translation can be delivered to the client within a shorter time and with more cost savings.
    Translation Memory Tools

     Easy Translation maintains TM databases with translated words and phrases collected from your company’s translation projects that can be used again for your future projects. TM databases save you both time and money. Translation Memory allows  Easy Translation to maintain a consistent standard of quality throughout a translation project while lowering the costs and time required to complete each project. In the end,  Easy Translation passes these benefits over to our clients.

    With the use of translation memory tools we are able to estimate the size of the translation, number of internal repetitions, and based on that we can plan the translation project framework.